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Math.floor(t)}};return{add:function(t,n){return t+n},subtract:function(t,n){return t-n},multiply:function(t,n){return s(t)||s(n)?function(t,n){var r=function(t){return Math.pow(10,function(){var t=(arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:0).toString();if(t.indexOf("e-")>0)return parseInt(t.split("e-")[1]);var n=t.split(".")[1];return n?n.length:0}(t))},e=Math.max(r(t),r(n));return Math.round(t*e)*Math.round(n*e)/(e*e)}(t,n):t*n},divide:function(t,n){return t/n},modulo:function(t,n){return t%n},round:function(n){return t[arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:"HALF_EVEN"](n)}}}var g=d();function m(t){var n=function(){var t=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"",n=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0;for(var r in n)t=t.replace("{{".concat(r,"}}"),n[r]);return t};return{getExchangeRate:function(r,o){return(i=t.endpoint,!Boolean(i)||"object"!==e(i)&&"function"!=typeof i||"function"!=typeof i.then?function(r,e){return function(t){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{};return new Promise((function(r,e){var o=Object.assign(new XMLHttpRequest,{onreadystatechange:function(){4===o.readyState&&(o.status>=200&&o.status<400?r(JSON.parse(o.responseText)):e(new Error(o.statusText)))},onerror:function(){e(new Error("Network error"))}});o.open("GET",t,!0),function(t){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{};for(var r in n)t.setRequestHeader(r,n[r])}(o,n.headers),o.send()}))}(n(t.endpoint,{from:r,to:e}),{headers:t.headers})}(r,o):t.endpoint).then((function(e){return h(e)[n(t.propertyPath,{from:r,to:o})]}));var i}}}function p(t,n){var r=arguments.length>2&&void 0!==arguments[2]?arguments[2]:Error;if(!t)throw new r(n)}function v(t){p(Number.isInteger(t),"You must provide an integer.",TypeError)}var y=d(),b=Object.assign((function t(n){var r=Object.assign({},{amount:t.defaultAmount,currency:t.defaultCurrency,precision:t.defaultPrecision},n),e=r.amount,o=r.currency,i=r.precision;v(e),v(i);var u=t.globalLocale,c=t.globalFormat,s=t.globalRoundingMode,l=t.globalFormatRoundingMode,h=Object.assign({},t.globalExchangeRatesApi),d=function(n){var r=Object.assign({},Object.assign({},{amount:e,currency:o,precision:i},n),Object.assign({},{locale:this.locale},n));return Object.assign(t({amount:r.amount,currency:r.currency,precision:r.precision}),{locale:r.locale})},b=function(t){p(this.hasSameCurrency(t),"You must provide a Dinero instance with the same currency.",TypeError)};return{getAmount:function(){return e},getCurrency:function(){return o},getLocale:function(){return this.locale||u},setLocale:function(t){return d.call(this,{locale:t})},getPrecision:function(){return i},convertPrecision:function(t){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:l;v(t);var r=this.getPrecision(),e=t>r,o=e?y.multiply:y.divide,i=e?[t,r]:[r,t],u=Math.pow(10,y.subtract.apply(y,i));return d.call(this,{amount:y.round(o(this.getAmount(),u),n),precision:t})},add:function(n){b.call(this,n);var r=t.normalizePrecision([this,n]);return d.call(this,{amount:y.add(r[0].getAmount(),r[1].getAmount()),precision:r[0].getPrecision()})},subtract:function(n){b.call(this,n);var r=t.normalizePrecision([this,n]);return d.call(this,{amount:y.subtract(r[0].getAmount(),r[1].getAmount()),precision:r[0].getPrecision()})},multiply:function(t){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:s;return d.call(this,{amount:y.round(y.multiply(this.getAmount(),t),n)})},divide:function(t){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:s;return d.call(this,{amount:y.round(y.divide(this.getAmount(),t),n)})},percentage:function(t){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:s;return p(function(t){return a(t)&&t<=100&&t>=0}(t),"You must provide a numeric value between 0 and 100.",RangeError),this.multiply(y.divide(t,100),n)},allocate:function(t){var n=this;!function(t){p(function(t){return t.length>0&&t.every((function(t){return t>=0}))&&t.some((function(t){return t>0}))}(t),"You must provide a non-empty array of numeric values greater than 0.",TypeError)}(t);for(var r=t.reduce((function(t,n){return y.add(t,n)})),e=this.getAmount(),o=t.map((function(t){var o=Math.floor(y.divide(y.multiply(n.getAmount(),t),r));return e=y.subtract(e,o),d.call(n,{amount:o})})),i=0;e>0;)t[i]>0&&(o[i]=o[i].add(d.call(this,{amount:1})),e=y.subtract(e,1)),i+=1;return o},convert:function(t){var n=this,r=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:{},e=r.endpoint,o=void 0===e?h.endpoint:e,i=r.propertyPath,u=void 0===i?h.propertyPath||"rates.{{to}}":i,a=r.headers,c=void 0===a?h.headers:a,l=r.roundingMode,g=void 0===l?s:l,v=Object.assign({},{endpoint:o,propertyPath:u,headers:c,roundingMode:g});return m(v).getExchangeRate(this.getCurrency(),t).then((function(r){return p(!f(r),'No rate was found for the destination currency "'.concat(t,'".'),TypeError),d.call(n,{amount:y.round(y.multiply(n.getAmount(),parseFloat(r)),v.roundingMode),currency:t})}))},equalsTo:function(t){return this.hasSameAmount(t)&&this.hasSameCurrency(t)},lessThan:function(n){b.call(this,n);var r=t.normalizePrecision([this,n]);return r[0].getAmount()r[1].getAmount()},greaterThanOrEqual:function(n){b.call(this,n);var r=t.normalizePrecision([this,n]);return r[0].getAmount()>=r[1].getAmount()},isZero:function(){return 0===this.getAmount()},isPositive:function(){return this.getAmount()>=0},isNegative:function(){return this.getAmount()<0},hasSubUnits:function(){return 0!==y.modulo(this.getAmount(),Math.pow(10,i))},hasCents:function(){return 0!==y.modulo(this.getAmount(),Math.pow(10,i))},hasSameCurrency:function(t){return this.getCurrency()===t.getCurrency()},hasSameAmount:function(n){var r=t.normalizePrecision([this,n]);return r[0].getAmount()===r[1].getAmount()},toFormat:function(){var t,n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:l,r=(t=/^(?:(\$|USD)?0(?:(,)0)?(\.)?(0+)?|0(?:(,)0)?(\.)?(0+)?\s?(dollar)?)$/gm.exec(arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:c),{getMatches:function(){return null!==t?t.slice(1).filter((function(t){return!f(t)})):[]},getMinimumFractionDigits:function(){var t=function(t){return"."===t};return f(this.getMatches().find(t))?0:this.getMatches()[g.add(this.getMatches().findIndex(t),1)].split("").length},getCurrencyDisplay:function(){return{USD:"code",dollar:"name",$:"symbol"}[this.getMatches().find((function(t){return"USD"===t||"dollar"===t||"$"===t}))]},getStyle:function(){return f(this.getCurrencyDisplay(this.getMatches()))?"decimal":"currency"},getUseGrouping:function(){return!f(this.getMatches().find((function(t){return","===t})))}});return this.toRoundedUnit(r.getMinimumFractionDigits(),n).toLocaleString(this.getLocale(),{currencyDisplay:r.getCurrencyDisplay(),useGrouping:r.getUseGrouping(),minimumFractionDigits:r.getMinimumFractionDigits(),style:r.getStyle(),currency:this.getCurrency()})},toUnit:function(){return y.divide(this.getAmount(),Math.pow(10,i))},toRoundedUnit:function(t){var n=arguments.length>1&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:l,r=Math.pow(10,t);return y.divide(y.round(y.multiply(this.toUnit(),r),n),r)},toObject:function(){return{amount:e,currency:o,precision:i}},toJSON:function(){return this.toObject()}}}),{defaultAmount:0,defaultCurrency:"USD",defaultPrecision:2},{globalLocale:"en-US",globalFormat:"$0,0.00",globalRoundingMode:"HALF_EVEN",globalFormatRoundingMode:"HALF_AWAY_FROM_ZERO",globalExchangeRatesApi:{endpoint:void 0,headers:void 0,propertyPath:void 0}},u);n.a=b}}]);jQuery("body").on("click",".widget-gallery .no-carousel .tiled-gallery-item a",(function(e){return e.stopPropagation(),!0}));# Security Policy Full details of the Automattic Security Policy can be found on [automattic.com](https://automattic.com/security/). ## Supported Versions Generally, only the latest version of Jetpack has continued support. If a critical vulnerability is found in the current version of Jetpack, we may opt to backport any patches to previous versions. ## Reporting a Vulnerability [Jetpack](https://jetpack.com/) is an open-source plugin for WordPress. Our HackerOne program covers the plugin software, as well as a variety of related projects and infrastructure. **For responsible disclosure of security issues and to be eligible for our bug bounty program, please submit your report via the [HackerOne](https://hackerone.com/automattic) portal.** Our most critical targets are: * Jetpack and the Jetpack composer packages (all within this repo) * Jetpack.com -- the primary marketing site. * cloud.jetpack.com -- a management site. * wordpress.com -- the shared management site for both Jetpack and WordPress.com sites. For more targets, see the `In Scope` section on [HackerOne](https://hackerone.com/automattic). _Please note that the **WordPress software is a separate entity** from Automattic. Please report vulnerabilities for WordPress through [the WordPress Foundation's HackerOne page](https://hackerone.com/wordpress)._ ## Guidelines We're committed to working with security researchers to resolve the vulnerabilities they discover. You can help us by following these guidelines: * Follow [HackerOne's disclosure guidelines](https://www.hackerone.com/disclosure-guidelines). * Pen-testing Production: * Please **setup a local environment** instead whenever possible. Most of our code is open source (see above). * If that's not possible, **limit any data access/modification** to the bare minimum necessary to reproduce a PoC. * **_Don't_ automate form submissions!** That's very annoying for us, because it adds extra work for the volunteers who manage those systems, and reduces the signal/noise ratio in our communication channels. * To be eligible for a bounty, all of these guidelines must be followed. * Be Patient - Give us a reasonable time to correct the issue before you disclose the vulnerability. We also expect you to comply with all applicable laws. You're responsible to pay any taxes associated with your bounties. Wish Lors de un mariage â „¢ accorde le 150e Want et célèbre le incroyable prefer Histoires de partenaires luttant contre des maladies essentielles

Wish Lors de un mariage â „¢ accorde le 150e Want et célèbre le incroyable prefer Histoires de partenaires luttant contre des maladies essentielles

Le Court Version: Wish Lors de un mariage est en fait un organisme de bienfaisance qui accorde rencontre gratuite Le Havre mariage souhaits de couples qui seront combattre qui altèrent la vie ou mettent la vie en danger maladies. Compliment de un généreux système de mariage planificateurs, vendeurs, et organisations, Wish Lors de un mariage se trouve être capable planifier et acheter centaines de mariage et promesse renouvellement cérémonies national. En décembre 2019, Wish Upon a marriage jeté the 150th wedding cérémonie pour Amanda DiMarzio et Sean Woodard, un Nashville few dans leur 30s. Sean trouvé Amanda 2 ans après femme maladie analyse et penser que nous aurions rester par elle part dans nausée et dans santé.

À l’intérieur automne de 2017, célibataire maman Amanda DiMarzio livré un ludique à un menuisier sur Bumble. « Mort row dîner choix? » elle a demandé.

« une telle chose avec Reese, » Sean Woodard a répondu. Ainsi que leur amour histoire a commencé.

Après avoir bavardé pendant hebdomadaire, Amanda et Sean sont tombés sur personnellement. Leur particulier premier grande date transformé en une aventure en trois parties: Ils visité dîner, a joué au laser tag, et avait obtenu produits chez une région club.

Le quelques découvert ils avaient beaucoup conformément. C’étaient tous les deux séparés avec jeunes ont été comparable vieillir. Amanda habitait exactement la même communauté où Sean avait cultivé. Chaque chose semblé tomber sous emplacement. Dans les quatorze jours, ils déménagé à collectivement.

Malheureusement, 2 mois suivant, Amanda était à un établissement de santé pour une radiothérapie essai clinique. Depuis 2015, elle combattu syndrome neuroendocrinien / carcinoïde métastatique, un inhabituel type maladie qui a eu un succès taux de 10 % après cinq ans.

Amanda n’a compter sur Sean garder ensemble comme elle était devenue plus malade. «nous gardions informant de lui pour performer», a-t-elle mentionné. « il le ferait simplement étreindre mon front et dire, â € ˜ j’aime. je ne suis pas aller n’importe où. ‘ »

Alors qu’Amanda se battait en elle vie, Sean en plus resté par la femme area – the guy got down one genou et demandé their pour épouser lui. Avec soins de santé factures s’accumulent, le couple ne pouvait pas payer un mariage indépendamment. Par conséquent, ils ont dit leur conte unique à vouloir Lors de un mariage, un ressortissant à but non lucratif centré sur organiser pro bono réceptions de mariage, plus eux souhaitaient meilleur.

Le 4 décembre 2019, Amanda et Sean transformés en le 150e couple devenir accordé un mariage merci à Wish Lors d’un un mariage.

Depuis 2011, Wish Upon a Wedding fournit cast événements de mariage et promesse restauration cérémonies en ce qui concerne couples vivre la vie- altérant ou mortel affections. L ‘organisme de bienfaisance dépend de un communauté national de vouloir donateurs générer un une fonction de really love et de wish.

« Accorder notre 150e vouloir était en fait a significativement satisfaisant expérience pour l’ensemble équipe « , mentionné Lacey Wicksall, Wish Upon a Wedding’s Program Coordinateur. « Nous étions déplacés à travers propres doux paire transfer tale et étaient époustouflés du merveilleux gentillesse associé au want Granters who émergé agreeable to assist us. »

Amanda & Sean loved a lovely, Stress-Free event Day

Each 12 months, want Upon a Wedding receives and ratings over 250 applications, together with Ohio-based group grants wedding receptions to about 20 couples just who fulfill the requirements. Lots of lovers, like Amanda and Sean, apply at Wish Upon a marriage as a final resort because they learn they sometimes can’t afford a marriage or do not have the time or fuel to approach a marriage while experiencing a critical disease.

« We work to make sure our company is helping those who are the sickest and provide all of them absolutely nothing shy of daily chock-full of pure delight, » stated Keri Durkin, President of want Upon a Wedding. « it gives you all of them aspire to endure yet an additional day. »

Amanda and Sean are an amazing exemplory instance of the bravery, compassion, and wish found by loving partners and families in extremely challenging times.
Amanda goes through chemotherapy every 28 days and requires 35-40 products and three day-to-day shots due to the fact cancer tumors advances from her the liver to her lymph nodes along with her bones. Sean has been Amanda’s mental rock throughout every little thing, and she claims he’s the most selfless men she actually is ever before understood.

The Wish Upon a Wedding team ended up being recognized supply this deserving pair a fairy-tale wedding finally December. About wedding day, 50 in the groom and bride’s closest relatives and buddies people concerned commemorate with these people at 1212 Germantown in Nashville. The wedding planners surprised Amanda and Sean with decorations encouraged by Captain The usa and Deadpool, the couple’s favorite Marvel superheroes. The want Granters additionally introduced a photograph booth and pure cotton chocolate station towards delight of everyone.

Amanda stepped down the section together with her child Elijah, who is 7 yrs old, and pair’s three different youngsters, Izzy (9 yrs . old), Miles (8 yrs . old), and Carson (8 years old) were area of the bridal party. Amanda and Sean blogged their particular vows, and many rips happened to be shed during heartfelt service.

Want Upon a Wedding is pleased with exactly how their 150th marriage ceremony ended up, and are currently planning another heartwarming year of earning fantasies come true.

« This was a big milestone for the organization, » said Nicole Maitland, vice-president at want Upon a Wedding. « it really is incredible that we could offer 150 lovers each and every day far from their ailment to commemorate their particular love rather than be worried about something except being together. »

Supported by Over 1,500 event providers & field Professionals

A want Upon a Wedding ceremony has most of the really works free. The selected couple do not need to be worried about booking a venue or getting flowers. The nonprofit has established a national community of 1,500 marriage sellers, including photographers, DJs, bakers, and florists, who happen to be happy to help out and turn a Wish Granter.

Event planner Laurie Hardman of Lauri D’Anne Events has worked with Wish Upon a marriage for two previous activities, and she provided the woman time and talent once more for Sean and Amanda’s big day. Laurie was heavily involved in the wedding preparation procedure. She secured the site, organized the sitting chart, and developed the centerpieces.

It took most goodhearted individuals create Sean and Amanda’s marriage desires an actuality, however the Wish Upon a Wedding staff is privileged having numerous pals for the Nashville region.

On Sean and Amanda’s special day, wash Plate Club took proper care of the providing services, Uptown Live Band provided the songs and enjoyment, and Pandy Cotton Candy offered nice treats for your reception. Two well-known florists, Branching Out Floral & show Design and Fifty Flowers, donated the blossoms when it comes down to decorations while the bride’s bouquet, and Sweetest time bakery made the marriage dessert.

Influenced by the want Upon a marriage goal, these Wish Granters arrived collectively generate just about every day that Amanda, Sean, and all sorts of their own guests wouldn’t forget.

« it absolutely was humbling to see the persistence our donors added to help make this wish truly unique for our few, » stated Lindsay Mackey, the Secretary of Wish Upon a Wedding. « our lovers tend to be unique, but is present and witness the town that it takes, had been fairly spectacular. »

The want Upon a marriage group Vows giving partners Hope

As solitary parents, Amanda and Sean were not expecting to fall in love — specially maybe not with some one they met on an internet dating application — but their link had been undoubtedly powerful from the moment that they had meal and played laser tag.

Throughout the last a couple of years, Amanda and Sean have actually discussed lots of laughs and faced lots of problems, even so they have actually remained together throughout it all. In 2019, the want Upon a marriage team ended up being thrilled giving this pair a cost-free and hassle-free wedding, therefore was a fitting selection for the 150th marriage thrown by nonprofit.

Despite her sickness, Amanda continues to be optimistic for future years and thankful for virtually any time she’s spent with Sean as well as their young children.

« Amanda has helped me leave my personal layer, » Sean said. « she’s lively, compassionate, enjoying, and selfless. No matter what fatigued this woman is, she helps to keep choosing us. »